Welcome to the official website of Dennis Mills.

Read about the 1988 People’s Summit on the Environment, comprehensive tax reform, Family Farm Tribute, World Youth Day in Toronto 2002, and Molson Canadian Rocks for Toronto (also known as SARSFEST), plus many more.
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New from Dennis this fall, From the Wood Chair to the Green Chair: A Memoir is now available.
“This is about the thoughts and experiences from men and women of all political parties on how to serve. Included are special lessons from my father and other business associates. I truly hope this work will inspire people to participate and enjoy public life.”
— Dennis Mills
From the inside flap of the cover for From the Wood Chair to the Green Chair: A Memoir:
From delivering chairs and tables in his family’s more than century-old event rental business, to organizing some of Canada’s most enduring promotional and communications work, to serving in the House of Commons, From the Wood Chair to the Green Chair is this year’s most intimate and compelling narrative about the value of working for others in the greater common good—the value and lessons of being a servant.
From the Wood Chair to the Green Chair assembles more than 50 personal experiences of Dennis Mills, with people including Prime Ministers, musical celebrities and business magnates, linking each with a key lesson about the importance of serving in one’s very best capacity. This is a memoir that tells a story about politics as much as about business and history; about the value of hard work as much as about the serendipity of sheer luck; about the inspiration we learn from others as much as about paying it forward; and about finding meaning and success in service—and having a whole lot fun while doing it.
Published by Big Sky Publishing, From the Wood Chair to the Green Chair: A Memoir by Dennis Mills is available through Ben McNally Books.